Why do I love teaching English?

           Teaching English is a booming business. Many English Academies sprung up in the many parts of the archipelago. No wonder many are attracted to this promising career – thought our teachers in school tell us that no one gets rich in teaching. My friend who is a nurse told me that, if she had known that English teacher will be in demand, she would have taken education, not nursing.

           Skyrocketing unemployment rate in the Philippines urges some to try this job even though, teaching is not really their profession, e.g. Nurses, Engineers, Tourism, etc. Maybe for some, teaching English and being an English teacher is a good chance to earn a decent salary.

           I have been teaching English for over two years now and I can say that I love my work. It’s not the alluring income plus the bonus of meeting foreigners that keep me in this kind of job. Although I must admit that I need money but it never becomes my ONLY motivation to stay. Ever since, I have these love and interest for the language - English. English is a very interesting subject to teach and to learn.

           I would also be happy to help our country boosts its tourism business. We are aware that our competency in teaching English brings thousands of EFL learners in the country. I would be glad to show to the world how good the Philippines and the Filipinos are.

Teaching shouldn't be viewed as a source of income or way of earning money. For me it's more of a vocation than a profession.


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