I have been seeing pictures and the place Art in Island has been so famous lately. I can't believe my eyes the first time I saw a shot taken from this place, though I know 3D Museum has been around for quite sometime now, however I was not aware that we have one here in the Philippines. Art in island is a 3D art museum in the Philippines and the largest of its kind in Asia. It is located on 175 15th Ave., Brgy. Socorro, Cubao, Quezon City Imagine my euphoria knowing that I didn't need to travel to Korea and spend tons of money just to experience a similar place called Trick Eye Museum (트릭아이미술관) . Art In Island is open from Tuesdays to Sundays, 9:30am to 9:30pm and close on Mondays but open on holidays. . Upon knowing this, I contacted my friends and asked them over to check this awesome place. My friends and I would come from different places in Manila. One would come from Pasig and the other one from Marikina - I'm currently stayi...
Teaching English is a booming business. Many English Academies sprung up in the many parts of the archipelago. No wonder many are attracted to this promising career – thought our teachers in school tell us that no one gets rich in teaching. My friend who is a nurse told me that, if she had known that English teacher will be in demand, she would have taken education, not nursing. Skyrocketing unemployment rate in the Philippines urges some to try this job even though, teaching is not really their profession, e.g. Nurses, Engineers, Tourism, etc. Maybe for some, teaching English and being an English teacher is a good chance to earn a decent salary. I have been teaching English for over two years now and I can say that I love my work. It’s not the alluring income plus the bonus of meeting foreigners that keep me in this kind of job. Although I mus...
With my Pre-school classmates singing our recognition song One day I checked my facebook - as I do daily, for updates. My attention was caught by this picture tagged by my former classmate in elementary. After all these years, we have still connected to each other; thanks to Facebook. I realized how fast time rushes in. This is our recognition picture in Kindergarten. We were singing our recognition song here with our Teacher as the conductor. I couldn't remember everything but I'm sure this moment is full of excitement and wonder; Excitement for the next school year in another school and wonder for what could be waiting for us there. I 'm an honor student (My Mom is proud of that ^^ ) so our teacher asked me to deliver a poem on our recognition day. I couldn't remember myself saying "YES" to my teacher. My mom did. But I did the task anyway. Of course, my ever-helpful "mama" helped me memorized the three-stanza poem - five lin...
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