Dominican Hill, Baguio

In November when the days are short and the night seems endless, stories of hauntings and ghostly apparitions are the popular stories among the circles of conversation. Baguio City would top the list of featured most haunted places. It was February when with three other friends I visited Baguio to witness its annual flower festival - the Penagbenga. The coldest time in Baguio often falls on this month. The city of pines - as it is often called because of its tall old pine trees, seems to be blanketed in eternal fog and gloomy semi-darkness caused by the overcast sky. This just made the city on the mountain a perfect setting for good Halloween stories like of those from classic Hollywood horror films which I love watching as I slouch lazily on the sofa. This was our first time seeing the colorful floats of Penagbenga. We just love the company of one another; we were all exuberant. We planned to visit as many popular places in Baguio as the time permitted - since we were al...